Created a collection of shoes together for Vans made exclusively for my retail stores, with permission from New York City to use it’s iconic “I Love New York” graphic, the symbol of our city. Designed by Milton Glaser in 1977, the famous pop-style graphic stands as a postmodern signature of New York; ubiquitous on plastic shopping bags and t-shirts in delis and souvenir stores throughout the city, with the trademarked logo used officially to promote tourism in the state. 

Created the layout for the graphic pattern which was printed all over classic canvas in two different colorways. I created the concept for two separate marketing campaigns for two separate product releases: the first showcased ‘True New Yorkers’ and featured original portrait photography shot by Pepsi Kim and featured true New Yorkers: Michael Colamecco, Vashtie Kola, David “Shadi” Perez, Ricky Kenig, Ryan Hickey, Mike Hernandez, Pooky, and Jordan Merz. For our black colorway release, I created the concept for a campaign including an original stop-motion video produced by Jonathon Mehring and Joe Bressler, as well as product photography shot by Jonathon Mehring and collaged by Tashi Stricker.


Brand Partnerships

